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Welcome to Elevation Church!
We know how difficult it can be when you are new. We want you to feel like family and part of that is familiarity. Here is a list of things that will get you more familiar with Elevation.
We currently have 2 Sunday morning services @ 9:00am & 11:00am and 1 midweek service on Wednesdays @ 7pm.
Coffee available in the kitchen before services on Sundays at 8:30am.
We have classes for kids from Walkers - 6th graders on Sunday and Wednesday. You can find more info here.
Every child is required to sign in to our Child Check-In System and get a name badge for them and you. Only the person with a matching badge can pick up a child from class. The Information Center is happy to help you with this process.
Your Child Check-In badge has a number on it, if you see that number on the screen during service in the upper left hand corner, please make your way to the Student Center as they may have a problem.
If you have a baby, we have a nursing and cry room available where you can still see and hear the service and there are baby changing tables in both restrooms
We don't take up an offering in the traditional sense. If you want to give, you can put your offering in the box on the back wall by the foyer door or you can give through Pushpay.
If you have questions about anything, the Information Center is the best place to go. It is the center of all church activity. You can sign up to be baptized, for Journey class, special events, or anything else at the Information Center
The easiest way to contact a pastor is by email at
Communion is available every Sunday in the SW corner of the sanctuary.
We encourage everyone not just to be spectators, but to get involved. You can go here to get info on how you can be a part of our volunteer team
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